
Do you want to buy a cheap Apple A1657 Compatible battery? We offer you a cheap Apple A1657 Compatible battery - an incredibly high quality Compatible battery! All Apple A1657 are brand new,1 year Warranty, 100% Guarantee Quality and Fully Test!

Specifications of the Apple A1657 Compatible battery:

  • Brand: Apple Compatible battery
  • Replaceable with the following models: A1657
  • Rechargeable battery type : Li-ion
  • Color: black
  • Encoding : ECN12542_Oth

Apple A1657 Compatible battery compatible product number

A1657 A1672

Apple A1657 compatible Compatible battery model

For Apple Magic Mouse 2

Instructions for use

1. Do not disassemble, puncture, modify, drop, throw on the ground or otherwise damage the battery.

2. Do not immerse the battery Apple A1657 in water or otherwise get wet.

3. Do not use or charge battery that are leaking, appear to fade, rust or deform, emit odors or cause other abnormalities.

4. Do not touch the leaked battery directly. Wear protective fabric to remove these battery and handle them immediately in the right way.

Our advantage:

- A wide range of products

We offer a wide range of products and we make sure to show you all the details so you can quickly research and compare products.

- Transparent price

In addition to quality service, you will find a guarantee of competitive prices and absolute transparency.

- High quality meets standards

Each of our products undergoes rigorous testing and quality control. We offer the highest level of safety and the highest quality products.

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    Battery and Adapter

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